Open-source AI assistant for cooperative multi-agent systems for lunar prospecting missions
Published in European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS), 2019
Abstract: Mission planning for space prospecting missions is a complex undertaking that involves several phases, variables, and systems. MARMOT, Multi-Agent Resource Mission Operations Tools, is an extensible, open-source tool that allows operators to expand and improve current functionalities and automation capabilities of mission planning systems for extra-terrestrial operation by aiming to reduce the exhaustive mental load accumulated by mission operators. This paper presents the first iteration of the tool that provides homogeneous and heterogeneous multi-agent global trajectory planning and optimization suggestions for different tasks and goals in a Lunar environment. The resulting tool leverages collaborative action plans and optimization strategies for enhancing in-situ resource exploitation and discovery on the Moon.
Recommended citation: Kakish, Zahi M., et al. "Open-source AI assistant for cooperative multi-agent systems for lunar prospecting missions." 8th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS). 2019.
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